About Michael

I graduated in 2013 with a BS in Informatics from Indiana University. Wanting to further my skillset in serverside languages, I enrolled in The Iron Yard for a deep dive into Ruby on Rails. In addition to Ruby on Rails, I have a substantial background in HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL and experience with Javascript and jQuery.

When working, I am always striving for D.R.Y. code while trying to streamline processes. It almost always increases efficiency and produces better results. I also have a knack for easily and effectively communicating technical details to non-technical people.

What I love about computer programming is the continual learning required and the opportunity to challenge myself to become more effective and proficient.


Coachstr, an application that allows you to share your ideas, drills, and practice plans down your coaching tree. Coachstr allows you to develop your drills and practices and distribute them to be used by all coaches and players in your organization. It allows you to develop a talent pipeline that will last years. Get your entire organization on the same page with Coachstr.

An Iron Yard Cohort 6 Final Project.


Another Iron Yard Cohort 6 Final Project.


This is a brief overview of some of the companies that I have worked with.

  • Law Office of Ben Evan
  • Exact Hire
  • Bitwise Solutions
  • Mobi Wireless Management
  • McGraw-Hill Higher Education
  • an.idea
  • Comfort Keepers